
"Competência é saber fazer bem o que é preciso fazer..."

sexta-feira, 20 de maio de 2016

Inglês IVb Semana 02

Atividade 1

Complete the sentences below with one of the words given in the box.

1. Municipalities have been required since 1986 to maintain recycling facilities for certain items, notably paper, cardboard, glass, and food waste from large kitchens.

2. Composting takes materials that otherwise might end up in a landfill and turns them into useful resources.

3. Organic chemicals like herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, and diesel fuel are the byproducts of industry and agriculture.

4. Recycling and waste-to-energy plants are a viable alternative to simply dumping garbage .

5. That means cleaner air and fewer harmful emissions that contribute to climate change.

Atividade 2

Let’s practice pronunciation.

Choose the option that represents the correct pronunciation pattern of

the sentence.

1. Excuse-me sir.

Letter a.

2. I’m afraid I don’t really agree with that.

Letter b.

3. I agree with that because ...

Letter a.

Atividade 3

Fill in the gaps to complete the points of view below. The first letter of each word has been given to you.

1.The article “The recycling controversy” by Maverick agree that some studies have shown that collecting recyclables, preparing them, and converting them into new products can consume more energy and cause more pollution than using fresh materials. I probably agree with this because not recycling means having infinite natural resources.

2. An article by Mary Bauer on the negative effects of recycling paper said that recycling paper may save only 28% of the energy used for making virgin paper. Therefore, I believe that before we recycle a certain material we have to make sure it is worth it.

3. An article from the magazine The Economist says that recycling has many benefits. I absolutely agree with that because among other things it reduces the amount of waste in landfills.

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