For a good presentation we cannot: Carries too many items, wears informal clothes, reads from the screen, gives his back to the audience, presents long texts, answers a phone call, speaks with a monotone voice, fold his arms, reads directly from his notes, and does not keep eye contact with the audience. A good presentation depends on your planning. To the audience we must present clear objectives in the introduction, present relevant information of your research to meet the audience's expectation and promote involvement. To a good information organization we should: Design a clear structure: beginning, middle and end; Link diferrent sessions together; Distribute time properly; Inform the audience if and when questions are allowed to be made. Use of visuals: Promote involvement, make it simple, use simple visuals, Use the technology resources professionally, Whenever possible, provide handouts. And body Language: maintains a relaxed posture, engage the audience using eye contact, avoid distracting manners.
For a good presentation, we must: present formally dressed; be professional; Gives handouts to the audiences; uses clear texts and diagrams in the slides; have good energy and smiles to the audience and keeps good body language. To prepare good slides we must have base on the following actions: Introduce yourself; Inform the audience about the content and purpose of your presentation; Deliver your talk; Present a conclusion; Open to discussion. An oral presentation is a combination of written + oral skills. To first slide must inform: presentation title; conference name; institutional affiliation; author's name and position. This order may vary.
State the objective of your presentation in topics. You can inform the objective itself. Starting Purpose. State the overview of your presentation in topics ( the objectives itself, main points that will be covered, questions policy, other announcements.
Presentation delivery slide: It is important to show the audience information about your research: introduction, objectives, context, methods, resources, results, conclusions and implications.
Conclusion slide: The conclusion is the end of your talk then we can show your findings: Next steps, conclusion, references, personal information, questions and thank you.
Atividade 1
Com base na nossa videoaula 6 — Preparing an oral presentation — escreva (em inglês) as ações que vão guiar a estrutura de uma apresentação oral.
An oral presentation is a combination of written + oral skills. To prepare good slides and good oral presentation we must have base on the following actions: Introduce yourself; Inform the audience about the content and purpose of your presentation; Deliver your talk; Present a conclusion; Open to discussion.
Atividade 2
Você vai participar de um congresso internacional e apresentará seu projeto integrador em uma paper session. Para tanto, você precisará fazer seu PowerPoint de apresentação e planejar sua fala.
Com base neste contexto, prepare dois slides:
1. O slide de introdução — Introduction Slide.
O slide de objetivo — Objective Slide (neste slide em especial
apresente somente o objetivo do seu projeto integrador).
Atividade 3
Com base nas informações que você escreveu no Introduction Slide (slide de apresentação), planeje sua fala:
→ Escreva
em inglês como você cumprimentaria os participantes da sessão, se
apresentaria e apresentaria o título do seu trabalho.
My name is Leandro Tiago and I’m from Univesp. I'm graduation Student in Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
I'd like to begin by showing you how we must promote the best quality and performance in teaching adult education, aimed not only an individual but also collective.
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