Com base na nossa videoaula 4
- Elaborating a poster - dê exemplos de fala que um apresentador
pode usar quando estiver apresentando seu poster. Apresente (em
inglês) pelo menos um exemplo de fala em relação à:
→ Greeting; (Good
morning, hello, hi)
→ Introducing oneself; (I'm Tiago...,
my name is Tiago...,
I'm from Univesp and...)
→ Main points; (I
am going to explore about..., I will begin by showing you...)
→ Transitions;
(Let's move on to..., My next point
is..., Let's look at...)
→ Concluding; (to
conclude..., to sum up..., (resumindo) in this presentation I wanted
→ Thanking; (thank
you for attention)
→ Inviting for questions.
(any questions? Do you have any questions?)
Baseado em seu projeto
integrador, faça as atividades a seguir.
a. Se você tivesse que
apresentar seu projeto integrador em formato de poster, qual seria a
estrutura dele? Escreva em inglês a estrutura do seu poster.
name and contact details of the autor, affiliation, academic event
identification, abstract, introduction, methodology, results,
conclusion, references and acknowledgements.
b. Qual seria o título de seu
poster? Escreva-o em inglês.
c. E quanto ao layout? Qual
tipo você usaria e por quê? Responda em português ou em inglês.
I could
used the more intuitive layout with visuals and colors. Attract your
audience by using photos, pictures and graphs and technology
Nesta aula foi
mostrado as partes que compõe um poster e seu layout, como
elaborar um poster e ampliar o vocabulário relativo à procedimentos
metodológicos de pesquisa. You are at the conference and did pass
for many programs. What is next? You will elaborating your own
poster. First, planning your poster. Be prepared to: interact
directly, present the poster and answer questions. Then, to
information organization , based on the conference poster guidelines,
you need: to do a design clear structure, present your research using
concise language and be as objective as possible. Use of visuals and
colors: attract your audience by using photos, pictures and graphs
and technology resources. Also use body language: create synergy,
make eye contact, avoid distracting gestures.
To construction
general poster, the structure is: Title, name and contact details of
the autor, affiliation, academic event identification, abstract,
introduction, methodology, results, conclusion, references and
acknowledgements. Layout also is very important using more intuitive
The title should summarize your work and inform the main points of your idea;
To introduction, you need state the purpose of the study, introduce your research question, present the relevance of your study and conduct a very short literature review. Remember that we need to be more possible succint (this study: aims to..., examines..., explores..., contribute to..., offer possibility of...). About methods, explain: the methodology used, how you conducted your research, what procedures and materials you used ( We/I/the researcher: utlized action research..., conducted the study..., used..., collected data from...);
To write the results we need reveal the results/findings, use visuals, use legend and descriptions. The results are usually the longest section of a poster. Stating the results: present (increases, remains stable, fluctuates, decreases), adverb (dramatically, moderately, sightly, rapidly, gradualy, slowly), ( by...%, from... to..., … % in December, between 2010 and 2015). About discussion, we might: explain or interpret results / findings ( show that..., indicate..., suggest..., may show..., may suggest...).
To write a conclusion let's discuss your findings: support or refute arguments, relate/compare with studies in the field, suggest future research on this topic (has litlle effect on..., reduces..., demonstrates..., shows that..., indicates that..., include..., consider...). In conclusion use the present and future tenses.
In references, include full citation for all of your sources: books, articles, thesis and dissertations, websites, pictures, graphs and videos.
might the present say? Greeting (Good morning, hello, hi),
Introducing oneself ( I'm Paulo, my name is..., I'm from Univesp
and...), Main Points (I am going to explore about..., I will begin by
showing you...), Transitions (Let's move on to..., My next point
is..., Let's look at...), Concluding (to conclude..., to sum up...,
(resumindo) in this presentation i wanted to...), Thanking (thank you
for attention) and Inviting for questions (any questions? Do you have
any questions?). To answering questions, you might: think of
questions people may ask you,write the questions and possible answers
in a note, rehearse at home and take this note with you. To wrap up
in this class became familiarized with poster general structure and
layout; revisited language for academic wrinting and revisited asking
and answering questions in a poster session.
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