Com base na nossa videoaula 3
- Checking into a Hotel - destaque os aspectos mais significativos
Checking into a Hotel
Nesta aula, foi mostrado as expressões e as estruturas usadas
para fazer um check-in no hotel (First, you arrive at the hotel and
go to check in at front desk. Then, you present your reservation
information to the recepcionist and confirm data and fill in the
guest from. Finally, you provide your credit card for charges and get
your keys. The porter can take your luggage and take away to your
room. You go to your room, unpack and rest). Visto alguns diálogos
sobre check in em hotéis, Spelling ( soletrar seu nome, por
exemplo), Repetition ( repetir a frase), bem como alguns detalhes a
mais sobre phrasal verbs (check in ( register), check out ( pay the
bill), fill in ( complete)).
O que você deve fazer ao
chegar no hotel, conforme mostrado na videoaula 3? Liste, em inglês,
cada um dos passos.
First, you arrive
at the hotel and go to check in at front desk. Then, you present your
reservation information to the recepcionist and confirm data and fill
in the guest from. Finally, you provide your credit card for charges
and get your keys. The porter can take your luggage and take away to
your room. You go to your room, unpack and rest).
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