Atividade 1
Com base na nossa videoaula 3 – Attending a poster session –
destaque os aspectos mais significativos aprendidos.
3. Attending a Poster Session
Nesta Aula, foi visto como devemos entender as
características de uma poster session, ler um pôster e ampliar o vocabulário relativo a gráficos e
quadros. So, we are still in a conference and you are already went to the dinner, read
about conference program, listened the Atendant of the conference, participed
of some break session and now? What is your next step? In the class, We learn
attending a poster session. So, our objectives learning is: To be familiar with
the caracteristics of a poster session and layout; To revisit the concept of
critical reading and; To be introduced to ways of asking questions in a poster
session. But, what is a poster session? Is a session that runs parallel to
other events. An opportunity for people to show the results of their research
in an informal way (conversation). We can do workplace discussions, meet
people informally or a presentation in a
meeting, all this about teaching training.
Academic issues and achievements are presented in a printed poster
format that can be affixed to a wall, a display, a tripod, among others things.
What does the presents do? The presenter
stands by the poster to answers questions of passing conference attendees and
he can talk about 5,10 or 15 minutes about his research and may repeat his
several times during the session. For Attending a poster session you should
first attracted by the visual elements and the title. Then you need to make a
choice: staying or leaving? How to decide? The teachers talking more about
Critical Reading (information organization), the layout is very important when
we do a critical reading. Recommended reading from left to right from top to
bottom (more intuitive layout). Information itself should include: Examine the
arguments presented, Check out any influences on the arguments, Check out the
limitations of the study focus, Examine the interpretations made and decide if
it is relevant to your research. Was
shown a structure of poster session formed for: title, name and contact details
of the autor, Affiliation, academic event identification, introduction,
methodology, results, conclusion, references, acknowledgements (agradecimentos).
Also shown how reading graphs and charts, types and nomenclatures. And about
language? What are you doing to listen? What might the presenter say? Greetings,
introduction, main points, conclusion, thanks and inviting for questions. We
can interact in a poster section doing questions etiquette. For it, we can use
the WH questions that learned in another class (What, When, Who…). Also remembered
yes or no questions (Could, is, do, have…). And for finish, was shown a video
about poster sessions in a conference.
1. Assista a apresentação do poster virtual da
aluna Sarah Maibach (de 1:00min a 2:38min) e identifique quais informações ela apresenta
em seu poster. Assinale quantas alternativas forem necessárias.
a. ( X ) The title.
b. ( X ) Name and contact
details of the author.
c. ( ) Affiliation.
d. ( X ) Academic event
e. ( X ) Abstract.
f. ( ) Introduction.
g. ( ) Methodology.
h. ( X ) Results.
i. ( ) Conclusion.
j. ( X ) References.
k. (X) Acknowledgements.
2. Qual é o assunto do poster apresentado por
Sarah Maibach?
a. ( ) Human biology
b. ( ) Hard Science.
c. ( ) Social Science.
d. ( X ) Depression,
anxiety and academic pressure in Chinese students.
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