
"Competência é saber fazer bem o que é preciso fazer..."

terça-feira, 6 de setembro de 2016

Inglês Va Semana 05

Exercício 1

Listen to a teacher talking about the considerations that should be made before lesson plan writing. Write the numbers 1-5 next to the questions you will hear to indicate the order they appear. The first one is given to you as an example. Click here to listen to the recording. You can listen to the recording twice.

( 2 ) What teaching and learning activities will I use?

( 1 ) What do students need to learn?

( 5 ) How should I assess students’ progress?

( 4 ) What are the best interaction patterns for this lesson?

( 3 ) How am I going to give feedback?

Exercício 2

Match the sections of a lesson plan (on the left) to the information they should contain (on the right).

1. Identification

2. Lesson aims

3. Lesson objectives

4. Assumed prior knowledge

5. Resources

6. Assessment

7. The components of a lesson

( 5 ) materials to be used throughout the lesson.

( 7 ) what the students will do, what the teacher will do, how long the activities will take and what materials will be used.

( 1 ) teacher’s name, course, lesson, subject, and time.

( 2 ) what students should be able to do during the lesson.

( 4 ) what students already know.

( 3 ) what students should be able to do at the end of the lesson.

( 6 ) ways to measure learning.

Exercício 3

Complete the points that should be addressed by feedback with the verbs given in the box.

a. Address good points and areas to improve.

b. Emphasize achievement.

c. Ask questions that lead to the expected outcome.

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